15. Translations
One means to facilitating higher development within Thailand is to expose Thais to the great thinkers of other cultures. This is accomplished by translating notable texts into Thai. As well, one way of increasing Thailandrsquo;s role in the global arena is to better familiarize people from other cultures with some of the best of Thailand. Of note, is Dr. Chareonwonsakrsquo;s translation of the Queenrsquo;s diary of some of her state visits.
Translated into Thai
middot; Bill Gates Speaks: Insight from the Worldrsquo;s Greatest Entrepreneur, by Janet Lowe
middot; Jack Welch Speaks: Wisdom Form The Worldrsquo;s Greatest Business Leader, by Janet Lowe
middot; Oprah Winfrey Speaks: Insight From The Worldrsquo;s Most Influential Voice, by Janet Lowe
middot; Ted Turnner Speaks: Insight From The Worldrsquo;s Greatest Maverick, by Janet Lowe
middot; Warren Buffett Speaks: Insight From The Worldrsquo;s Greatest Investor, by Janet Lowe
Translated into English
middot; In Memory of the State Visits of His Majasty the King, by Her Majesty Queen Sirikit